
Trauma Heals

By: Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser
Published: August 2010

Feelings are compressed information, much like a zip file on a computer. Opening this zip file is equivalent to the act of flowing, of accepting any feeling and paying attention to it as it flows through you. Feelings will heal themselves, just as the body heals itself when it is wounded and not feeling good. Surprisingly, this does not take much time. Feelings are our life force, the divine intelligence expressing through the Alpha brainwave energy of expanded awareness, an important gateway to the higher self.

Your feelings express themselves as anger, control, depression, and acting out in many negative ways, and the body is begging to heal these negative emotions as much as you want them to. Feelings want to feel good. We often ask, “How do you feel ?” and the answer should be, "I feel great!” and mean it. Feeling good is our natural state: to be dancing with joy, radiating light, vibrant with life, and heart busting with love. Feeling good is a sure sign of appropriately following inner guidance of the higher self.

Why do our higher selves allow us to suffer? What purpose does this suffering serve? Working with wounded feelings, amazing amounts of information from the higher self opens up... expanding wisdom, compassion, empowerment and the desire to love.

Facilitating healing for any unique individual trauma can focus negative beliefs and the reality that came from that negative experience, then once integrating positive beliefs from that same experience, the original visual images of the trauma can change from a negative to a positive.

Remember, a memory is made up of three things, and all three of these must change for the healing to be permanent: 1-visual images, 2- feelings, 3- thoughts or beliefs that came from going through the original wounding experience as your reality now.

Trauma-Clearing techniques will teach about feelings, where they reside in the body when we are not aware of them, and what to do with them when they come into our awareness day to day.

Feelings cannot be willed away, or forced to change through intellectualization or medication. Feelings change themselves. They change themselves naturally when they are allowed to flow in an atmosphere of empathy and acceptance once you learn to effectively communicate with a deep awareness of your senses, thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions.

Instructions on creating intimacy for a romantic or married couple, a friendship or business partnership, or deep emotional flowing between members of a family can also be helped knowing and using these modalities.

Participants will learn ground rules for dealing with triggered feelings. A trigger is any provocative stimulus which automatically sets off an alarm reaction in a person, and it is a sudden, disturbing conditioned reflex which occurs immediately upon perception of the trigger, with or without conscious awareness of it, sometimes provoking a flashback, combat memory or angry outburst.

With this trauma healing process, we learn a systematic, self-empowering healing process with precise steps and stages that can be taught to completely transform a trauma at every level in one session. The resulting radical change in consciousness is permanent and often reawakens strong identification with one's "God Self”.

This workshop will be based on the original writings of the late Dr. Michael Schlosser, head of the PTSD clinic at the VA Hospital in Tuskegee, Alabama. Michael and his wife Cynthia led workshops together for many years teaching the civilian population what he had been proving to the combat vets with PTSD. Dr. Schlosser was a loving, caring man that had found a way to self empower vets, showed them how to clear a trauma completely, to go from, in his words, "hell to heaven in one session".


Yoga: Beyond Exercise

Yoga: Beyond Exercise

by Sam Geppi October 06, 2009 08:36 PM EST
Yoga: Beyond Exercise
Vedic astrology comes from the same culture and the same enlightened minds that produced yoga. It could be said that Vedic astrology shows us the specifics of our karma. Astrology shows us the "what" and the "why" of our life. Yoga shows us "how" to surmount our difficulties and awaken the divine light within us.
The word yoga literally means "union". It is derived from the same root word as the English word "yoke" -- to join. Two horses pulling a carriage are yoked together. Yoga consists of many techniques that aim to unite the higher self of the soul and the worldly self of the body. The most recognizable of these techniques involves our physical body, the postures. These postures bring greater flexibility to our legs, hips and other muscles. In the process greater emotional and psychological flexibility is gained as well.
But yoga is not just exercise; it’s a comprehensive spiritual path. The postures themselves are only one small part of the yogic path. In fact, at some point, once the body is flexible enough to sit cross-legged for hours at a time without moving, a yogi no longer does the postures. At that point, the advanced yoga practitioner focuses more on breathing techniques, bhandas (energy seals), mudras (sacred gestures) and other kriyas (actions).
Vedic astrology gives deep insight into the nature of each individual soul, helping them to focus their yogic practices toward things that are most beneficial -- both in this life and at any given time. The energetic principles of yoga have direct correlations to astrology. For instance, the yogic actions designed to awaken spiritual consciousness is called “Hatha Yoga”, which literally means to unite the Sun and the Moon.
The Sun refers to the masculine/yang quality of life, and the Moon refers to the feminine/yin nature. Our life plays out through this duality. Learning to calm the push and pull of duality is the work of yoga. Buddhists call this "the middle path”. The Sun and the Moon rule our nostrils: the right nostril is the hot, solar breath, and the left nostril is the cool, lunar breath.
Did you know that you're only breathing through one nostril at a time? See for yourself! Move your index finger under your nose and see which nostril you're exhaling out of. Two hours from now, do the same thing and you’ll find that you’re exhaling out of a different nostril. One energy or the other is influencing your mind at any given time.
A great yogi has both nostrils open all the time. He has united the Sun and Moon. His mind does not swing on the pendulum of extremes.



FORGIVENESS is not something

we do for OTHER PEOPLE;

We do it for ourselves


Excerpt from a blog entry by Kym Kennedy To read the complete article click here -


What exactly is love? M. Scott Peck author of The Road Less Traveled says that love is "The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth". One of www.dictionary.com’s 18 definitions says it is "affectionate concern for the well-being of others". Gary Chapman, author of "The Five Languages of Love says "While love is a many-splendored thing, it is sometimes a very confusing thing, too. And as people come in all varieties, shapes, and sizes, so do their choices of personal expressions of love. More often than not, the giver and the receiver each express love in different ways. That can lead to misunderstanding, quarrels, and even divorce." He goes on to say"Learn to speak and understand your mate's love language, and in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return."

All of them imply that love is about uplifting one’s spirit. We need to learn to do that for God, ourselves and others. So what are some ways we can do that daily... moment by moment?

Regarding us - we can stop criticizing ourselves - You know that little voice in your head that constantly nags you? Stop her! Stop him! Stop them in their tracks! Thank them for sharing and then reframe the conversation - think about all the good that you have going for you. Talk about that good to yourself. Admire yourself, honor yourself, respect and appreciate yourself. Do it daily - look yourself in the eyes and say how you love yourself.

Part of why we have difficulty loving others is because on some subconscious level we probably ask, "How can I love them when I can’t love me? How is it that they are more deserving than me?" Well they aren’t any more deserving but they also aren’t any less deserving. We are all - ALL - deserving of love no matter what we have done in the past. LOVE YOURSELF!!

What can we do regarding others? Forgive them. I don’t care what they did - Forgive them. How many times? Our teacher, Elder Brother and Way Shower, Jesus the Christ said that we should forgive 70 times 7. That sounds like a lot! That sounds like, um, as many times as it takes!

Forgive your mother, forgive your father, forgive your siblings, forgive your past lovers, forgive your current lovers. Forgive the neighbor who doesn’t pick up their dog droppings. Forgive the teacher that embarrassed you in the third grade, forgive the woman that walked out on you and the car dealer that sold you a lemon as well as the parent that didn’t respect your decision making even as an adult.

Make a list of a minimum of 70 people that you need to forgive and do it. I highly recommend you use the free tools of Radical Forgiveness to do this work.

Once you have really (and radically) forgiven that many people, Imagine how much stuck energy you will be releasing from your mind and body, freeing you up to give and receive more and more love instead of being clogged and bogged down with old grudges and heartbreaks. Do this every time you find yourself triggered by someone, or embroiled in a conflict of any sort. Remember that the Law of Attraction says that you attract what you focus on so focus on forgiveness and you will automatically be focusing on love and attracting more of it into your life.

Uplift someone. It may sound trite, but be nice to strangers. Make it your mission to be the light in everyone you meet’s day. At the checkout counter I always make sure that I share a smile, or a little joke to spread a little love their way especially the grouchy ones. Send love to the person honking the car behind you. They will feel it energetically. We know that thoughts are things. If you can stomach the news, which I only occasionally can, send prayers and love to the T.V. set as you watch the horror that is going on around the world. Every thought you create affects every atom on the planet.

Speak to children. Children are often some of the most ignored people on the planet, especially teens. No matter whether their hair is blue or their pants are falling off - speak to the children and send them love. They are our future and we really do need to let them know we support them as they go through this awkward phase of life. Do you remember how awkward it was being a teen? Give them your love.

Almost done. There are certainly more things I am sure you will think of on your own but here are a final few. Show appreciation. Give folks verbal conscious words of appreciation. Certainly do it for your family, but also for the people you interact with daily. Tell the cleaner’s clerk that you appreciate the prompt attention you get every time you come in. Tell the nail lady that you appreciate her attention to detail with your nails. Tell your kid’s teacher how you appreciate their work with your kids. Go on an appreciation mission - seeking all the good things that are going on around you and offer conscious words of appreciation. There is power in our words. That also goes for the trees and the cars and furniture too! We are all made of vibrating energy and not just the people, plants and pets pick up on the love we send.

Finally, go on a no complaint diet. Refuse to complain about anything to anyone. All things are in divine order and resisting what is is one of the #1 ways we move out of a space of love. Work on accepting all situations and find the lesson and love the opportunity to rise again in consciousness. You do know that we need not stay in circumstances that are hurtful or causing us distress. Yet the more we focus on love, the more love is attracted to us, and the fewer such unpleasant situations will show up. As you send love out to your world it will vibrate out to the rest of the world. When you love 100 people and they love 100 people, one day we’ll have a critical mass of love sweeping the planet and it really will make the world go around!


Recommended Blood Glucose Numbers

Recommended Blood Glucose Numbers

What are the Right Numbers?

Depending on where you look, recommended blood glucose levels can vary. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) numbers differ from the American College of Endocrinology (ACE) guidelines. The ACE recommendations are more strict than the ADA's. How do you know which to follow? Ask your healthcare provider which goals are right for you. The table below compares the two sets of guidelines for blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol.

How many times a day should you check your blood glucose levels?

Checking your blood glucose levels often through out the day will help you to figure out how to keep good control. First thing in the morning before breakfast, two hours after a meal and before bed are good times to test. Other recommended times include before, during and after an exercise session, especially if it is strenuous or if you are feeling like your blood sugar may be low or high.

What is the A1C?

It's a blood test that helps you and your doctor monitor your overall glucose control.

It gives an average of the amount of glucose in your blood over a few months' time. It is usually ordered 2 to 4 times a year. If you are newly diagnosed or having trouble maintaining good day-to-day control, it may be ordered more often.


"Checking Your Blood Glucose." American Diabetes Association. ADA. 15 Dec 2006

American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American College of Endocrinology, "The AACE System of Intensive Diabetes Self-Management - 2002 Update." The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Medical Guidelines for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrine Practice Vol. 8. 2002.

For more information visit: http://www.optimumdiabetics.com/?aid=155656

Beta glucan Lowers Blood Lipids

Beta glucan Lowers Blood Lipids

BERLIN—Barley beta-glucan reduces serum lipid levels, according to research presented in April at the First International Congress on Pre-Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.

In the six-week study, 76 men and 79 women with hypercholesterolemia, aged

25 to 73, completed a four-week lowfat diet prior to baseline. At the beginning of the trial, test subjects were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups or a control group and assayed for blood lipids and other cardiovascular disease (CVD) biomarkers. During the course of the study, test groups were administered 3 g and 5 g doses of low molecular weight (LMW) or high molecular weight (HMW) barley beta-glucan (from Cargill) twice daily, in cereal and juice.

Posttreatment assessment of blood lipids and other CVD biomarkers revealed improvements in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, markers of glycemic control

(glycosylated hemoglobin, HOMA model) and a key marker of inflammation


The researchers concluded both doses of LMW and HMW barley beta-glucan improved blood lipids over a six-week treatment period.

For more information visit: http://www.optimumdiabetics.com/?aid=155656


Sharing Good Article - This is a very important time

This is a Very Important Time 

By: Patricia Cota-Robles  Published: July 2010

All we have to do is turn on the news to see that we are in the midst of a very tumultuous time on this planet. Challenging and even catastrophic things are taking place in every facet of people’s lives. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed and fearful about the future and what is going to happen to us. Unfortunately, our fear just compounds the problem and motivates us to cling to the old paradigms that are surfacing to be healed and transmuted into Light. Even if our old behavior patterns and our previous ways of thinking and acting have made us miserable, at least they are familiar to us and we know what to expect. As the expression goes, “Better the devil you know than the devil you do not know.” This attitude is common, but nothing could be more counter-productive during this time of transformation.

Fortunately, the things that are occurring all over the world are not going to destroy Humanity or the Earth. These horrific things are coming up to get our attention and to motivate us to find a better way of interacting with each other and the Earth. We have been buried in our own self-inflicted pain and suffering for so long that we are numb. Unless something catastrophic happens in our lives, we just muddle through each day without paying much attention to what we might do to make things better. However, when something disastrous happens in our personal lives or on the planet, we start scrambling around to see what we can do to correct the situation.

The devastating environmental disaster occurring in the Gulf of Mexico at this time is a prime example of this Truth. We have known for decades that oil and coal are polluting the planet and wreaking havoc in the lives of people everywhere. Time and again, awakening souls have tapped into the Realms of Illumined Truth and come up with clean energy sources and technologies that would eliminate our use of oil and coal. Because of the power and money associated with these industries, these new methods of energy have always been suppressed and hidden from the mass consciousness of Humanity. People have come to the erroneous conclusion that we must have oil and coal in order to survive and maintain our livelihoods. Even now, with oil destroying the precious wetlands and ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico, many people there are upset that President Obama has called for a moratorium on deep-water drilling. This is a graphic demonstration of Humanity’s distorted perception at this time.

Our lives are so interwoven with the very things that are causing the problems on Earth that we feel we must perpetuate them in order to survive. This illusion is the direct manipulation of our fear-based, fragmented human egos. Our lower human egos believe that the physical plane is all that exists and that our purpose and reason for being is to gratify our physical senses. Our human egos are aware that we are awakening and that our God Selves are beginning to reclaim dominion of our lives. Our egos are fighting tooth and nail to prevent our God Selves from taking back the power. Breaking the bonds of the paralyzing grip our human egos have had over us for lifetimes is the next critical step in the unfolding Divine Plan. An activity of Light that involves the God Selves of all Humanity is now underway.

Please step back, take a deep breath, and release any fear your human ego may be using to try to manipulate you. Allow the Divinity within your heart to expand as you read these words with an open heart and an open mind. Miracles are happening.

For some time, the signs have been telling us that one of the greatest needs is for awakening Humanity to attain our financial freedom. This is a vital and necessary facet of the Divine Plan. In order to bring these powerful solutions into physical manifestation, awakened people with a higher consciousness need to have the financial support to bypass the old paradigms of greed and corruption. It is the abuse of money and the compulsive greed of our human egos that have caused the appalling poverty and the inequitable distribution of wealth on this planet in the first place.

The Beings of Light have confirmed that at this very moment there are patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God that contain practical solutions for every negative situation manifesting on Earth. These include solutions to our energy crisis, pollution, global warming, disease, poverty, crime, aging, hunger, homelessness, war, and every other human mis-creations. Amazingly, there are people who have been manipulated by their human egos into suppressing the knowledge and the technologies that are available to solve these problems. Through their limited, fear-based consciousness, all these people can see is what will happen to their present financial situations if these problems are solved.

For instance, what would happen if all of a sudden disease and the degenerative process of aging were eliminated from the planet? Imagine the number of people who would be out of work: doctors, nurses, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, pharmacies, drug companies, medical insurance companies, and all of the workers who support these industries. Millions of people have a vested interest in keeping us sick.

What would happen if war were eliminated? This would cause a great deal of concern for military personnel. Millions would be out of work if our military complex and the war machine were no longer needed.

What if Humanity remembers the Oneness of Life? What if we all recognize the Divinity within each other, and we truly develop a reverence for all Life? Crime, corruption, violence, greed, and everything associated with the criminal aspects of our present existence would be eliminated. Think of the number of people who would be out of work if we no longer needed the criminal justice system, police, security officers, prisons, prison guards, criminal lawyers, et cetera. What in the world would we watch on television or in the movies? It is interesting to observe that since many of the prisons in the USA have been privatized, the population of the prisons in this country has more than doubled. Prisons cannot succeed as a private business without lots of prisoners. There are millions of people who are vested in keeping crime alive and well.

When we ask people if they want to see disease, war, and crime eliminated, they usually say “of course.” But when their livelihoods depend on these things, they are afraid of what will happen to their financial security if these conditions cease to exist. That fear creates an underlying need that perpetuates the painful things people say they would like to eliminate.

We are so accustomed to living with disease, war, and crime that we think they are normal. We cannot even imagine living without them. The concept of a world without these maladies seems unrealistic and far too good to be true. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are striving to remind us of the fact that these terrible things were never part of our Divine Plan. We created them through the misuse of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions and they are being perpetuated and sustained by our fear-based human egos. It is time for us to stop this insanity. It is time to turn things around.

We must free ourselves from the paralyzing grip of our human egos and raise our consciousness. Instead of looking at the outer world and coming to the erroneous conclusion that this is all there is, we need to see the bigger picture. WE ARE CO-CREATING THIS REALITY!!! Everything existing on Earth at this time is the result of Humanity’s collective consciousness. If we do not like what is happening in our individual lives or on the planet, we can join together and co-create a new reality. Our task is to have enough of us focusing our attention on the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to reach a critical mass. When we lift our consciousness, we realize that we can tap into the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God. We have the ability to co-create wonderful new ventures and avenues of employment that will secure our financial freedom while blessing and enhancing all Life. We do not have to limit ourselves to the parameters of what currently exists on Earth. We do not have to perpetuate pain and suffering just so we will have enough money to survive. This distorted belief is a trap that our human egos created in order to control us. It is time for us to reclaim our Divine Birthright, which is God’s Infinite Abundance.

For more information about Patricia or the New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose (or NASHP) go to: http://eraofpeace.org ©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


輕輕鬆鬆作體內環保–巧遇巴西藍莓 (1)

我在美國工作期間,由於是行銷業務導向的工作,壓力相當大,要注意相當多的細節也要硬箸頭皮戴上鋼盔往前衝,談不上懂得照顧自己。令我很驚訝的是,親友、鄰居從我爸媽得知我己接受至美工作,我便不時地接獲爸爸的傳真,有人拜託買什麼、什麼寄回來。只好經常利用工作之餘為這些長輩及親友們購買多種各樣的保健食品、維他命等等。  才明白大家原來都很注意身體健康,而我不知不覺在這樣的舉手之勞後,也開始注意這些產品並在寄回產品時特別要為他們寫上使用方法、特別功用及應注意事項。我個人也開始食用蔓越莓(cranberry)在代謝及水腫呈現的肥胖上真的非常有幫助,更不用說整個人在能夠維持不水腫的狀態下那一份神清氣爽!說到那去了,我要說的是巴西芸莓吔?!  其實好多種莓子大家都知道,但是他的多樣化好處我們未必仔細了解。說也奇怪在過年回家的飛机上發現有賣芸莓巧克力,很兴奮地買了两盒回家給爸媽嚐嚐。沒想到高齡的父親愛不釋手,他說吃這個芸莓巧克力他的消化能力变好了,宿便也沒有了整個人精神舒服多了。我和媽咪是暗地想爸爸大概又犯愛吃的毛病了。我便告訴爸爸您巧克力不能多吃而且事實上這藍莓巧克力一盒沒几顆便要40多美元(如果我沒有記錯)總之,不便宜!

這樣一來,我對芸莓起了一份好奇,除了我最喜歡的Blue Berry Bagle + Walnut Coffee早餐,我決定多認識我喜歡的藍莓,不用說-越了觧終於知道自己愛吃好東西(對自己有益的)是不会錯的.........

在美國歐普拉節目和網站巴西芸莓受到高度的推崇。在最有研究抗衰老的美國,巴西藍莓超越了我的初愛-蔓越莓成為評价最高的食物。 也有新聞報導給了巴西藍莓可能是世界上最健康食物的美譽。美抗老皮膚專科醫生的暢銷作者們Nicolas Perricone博士將巴西藍莓列世界上能幫助減緩老化效應的前十大超級食物之首。

原來巴西芸莓是一种生長在南美,擁有許多營養成份的莓果。它長在高細的樹上約是15-30公尺屬棕櫚樹種只生長在肥沃土壤的亞馬遜雨林,成熟時是小而圓的深芸果实。 我想他不僅物稀貴採收也是極費周章的事-工人們必須划着小船進入雨林帶、爬上樹將莓果一一用手採下放在藍子、為了維持莓果的活性、新鮮、營養和美味,採收當天必須運送並製造。

研究發現法國與地中海區的飲食相當幫助維持腦部、心臟、皮膚的健康,歸功於經常食用紅酒和橄欖油。而小小–顆巴西芸苺巳經包含了這紅酒和橄欖油的精華,甚至他的抗氧化物含量更高於紅酒30倍(極可能是世界上最高抗氧化水果),以及含有豊富的不飽和脂肪酸 Omega 3,他除了脂肪酸組合類似橄欖油脂肪酸,迏含有更健康的Omega 3 油脂。

在美國,很多人發現將Acai巴西芸莓加入每日飲食後,讓他們意外地得到體重減輕的好處。巴西芸莓並沒有臨床報告証實可以減肥,在歐美等國家也不是推崇他的減肥良效,而是用為在增強万活力的健康食品。可能很多人和我爸爸一樣感覺到消化順暢的舒暢感,專家認為是因為巴西芸莓含有天然豊富的健康油脂與膳食纖維及植物固醇作用幫助維持心臟血管和消化健康,据研究發現巴西芸莓含有50-60%不飽和脂肪酸,食用後会誏人產生飽足感,幫助調節正常食慾,少吃而維持健康型體重。    胖的人體內大環保,苗條們維持健康型體重。

還有更多优點,有時间再一一介紹。先將此篇轉告親朋好友 ,  祝健康有活力!