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Make money: $ 5 per Gig

Everyone has got a price, is saying. ?Offering a new Web site, one that for some, the magic number is 5 $.

Fiverr.com, a Web site of 8 months, the link between service providers and purchase for $ 5. detail different services company has more than 150,000 and 1,500 new offerings per day.

?For example, "Dougblackjr," recently proposed "to write a song in your honor, put it on YouTube for us."Hibari_Kyoya, "says" me to design a poster Halloween for your Web site for us. " GB-not a bad side.

People are worried, I read the co-founder and CEO, Micha Kaufman, for more details. Here is a call to our excerpted.

So, why us?

Number five is a convenient number. We even this number for buyers will not be something you think three times before you spend it. most people can afford it. Of salesmen, [us] they provide service based on repeated … and make money.

What is a lot of money?

A lot of our sellers who take seriously their work making thousands of dollars a month.

If you want to make a 5 dollar, what are the most successful listings?

Services for small businesses.For example, offers design a logo for a business, doing social marketing, promotions, a video production business, writing a press release.Also, a lot of work related to SEO.

Sounds a long time.I'm not sure I was doing work related to SEO for five dollars.

Fiverr good experts know how to do [service], can do it on the quick launch around.

How people connect in Fiverr?

If the user sees he wants to order the service, he pays $ 5 in advance then the seller (or provide) receives a message of this order, they can through our system to communicate. they are exchanging information, files, they can remain anonymous.. after the service provider provides the service, the buyer confirms it, then the seller gets paid.

How you can control the Junk double-dealing service registrations?

The site is very heavily moderated. we have a number of authors and the content, test it.

You tell children to use this site?

We see a lot of children who, with help from their parents, provide a simple way to earn their allowance. they have made a good many of you are offering to do reviews or sections of video for your business ... we have two brothers and his father have a professional video equipment and help them to create short videos of marketing. they do great.

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Photo: courtesy of LateNightTaskForce on Flickr photostream

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Yay for birth a child!

Put long work! if the 5-years of allowance, is also going on at Jolly Fiverr and SEO.

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Thank You & Best Wishes from eHsien
with Recommendation

Wind generators to: advantages and disadvantages

Almost everything that modern depends on electricity. Each gadget known must be refilled with power in order to be used and appreciated. Dishwasher for laptops that we have one thing in common. They need electricity to function. For decades, we use the electric generators which are led by fossil fuels like oil and coal. Fossil fuel sources are not unlimited supplies and with so request, the current rate of mines or treatment could not cope with what is required. Apart from the limited supply of fossil fuel energy sources can cause damage to the environment as well as individuals. Alternative sources of electricity generation are wind powered generators. They are the technology most promising that can replace conventional generators used in power stations.

A wind powered generator uses the wind as the mechanical strength to power an electric generator. Use of the wind is not something new. The ancient Persians were known to use the wind to pump water, cutting or grinding food to windmills.We are also seeing windmills powerup land in Europe particulier.Maintenant water supply, the windmills are placed in another good use.

We assess the wind powered generator. First of all, to consider is the fact that they emit no harmful gas or chemicals unlike fossil fuel based generators. We read and listen to ecologists mention of greenhouse gases and global warming.The cause of such situations is emissions from power plants electriques.Ce that we need now is a source of electricity which is clean and safe. We consider the environment if we want to make the Earth a better place to live.

Another advantage of windmills is that many small turbines can be connected together. This saves space, but by implementing process also.There is no need to build huge structures like most power plants.

One drawback of wind-powered generator is the flow of wind can vary from one place to another or from time to time.There is no way to be certain that winds will be strong enough to puissance.Cela generators limit the location of the wind mills areas near the sea, or when the wind is stronger as the top of the Hill.

More the Windmill, power over it can produce for maximum power generation area should be large enough to meet the needs of the largest usines.Il is a luxury that some places do not have.The size is directly proportional to the power it can collect.

Much research is now conducted on wind powered generators and innovations are deployed to make usable power .the ' intention is to build windmills in areas where it is going to be more effective as cities cotieres.Il is powered by a very promising future in terms of sustainable wind generators and renewed energy.

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This is very - this report will be see you exactly how harness free power using a little known, but the brutally effective concept is kept underground until now!

Creating electricity now

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_Deckard

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