
14 Tips on eating your way to wellness

It is not as strong as you think about eating healthy. Even if there is a ton of information out there about what to eat, but for me, if we can keep things simple, it is much easier on us. Heaven knows that we already have so many our our plates (pun intended!), that determine what eating during our busy day can become so difficult, we eventually prevent good things and cram into evil. These 14 quick tips will help you zone in better food choices.

1 Break your fast (breakfast) - increase the metabolism.acid-production, low-sugar/glucose fruits and green; fruit juice light, alkalizing foods only.

2 Pasture eating 5-6 small meals a day vs. 3 meals (part is the size of your fist, not what you get on your plate).

3 Avoid excessive alcohol, coffee, soda, milk products, SFA and processed foods.

4 Eating organic foods as much as possible and avoid genetically modified foods where possible, reduce pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics)

5 Focus on eating vegetables, fruits and meat maigres.Essayez a gluten-free and low index Glycemic diet as much as you can keep your intestines healthy and keep your blood sugar stable rates as follows.

6 Avoid eating dead foods that are processed, refined, frozen or canned food (try to reduce any human - made moving your lips).

7 Reduce red meat, especially too cooked meat (carcinogenic).

8 Avoid eating when you're stressed, depressed, sick, extremely tired and emotional or when you're not really hungry, because it inhibits the digestion and creates the fermentation.

9 Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated body.

10 Do not drink much liquid – not even water – with your meals and separating your meals any liquid at least ten minutes - doing to dilute your digestive enzymes supply and affect good digestion.

11 Successfully combine your food for maximum power and energy .Envisagez use metabolic typing ? approach.

12 Eat slowly and chew the food completely.

13 To avoid eating condensed food animal products, particularly immediately prior to the bed.

14 Take vitamins to supplement your diet for optimal function when necessary.

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