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Make money: $ 5 per Gig

Everyone has got a price, is saying. ?Offering a new Web site, one that for some, the magic number is 5 $.

Fiverr.com, a Web site of 8 months, the link between service providers and purchase for $ 5. detail different services company has more than 150,000 and 1,500 new offerings per day.

?For example, "Dougblackjr," recently proposed "to write a song in your honor, put it on YouTube for us."Hibari_Kyoya, "says" me to design a poster Halloween for your Web site for us. " GB-not a bad side.

People are worried, I read the co-founder and CEO, Micha Kaufman, for more details. Here is a call to our excerpted.

So, why us?

Number five is a convenient number. We even this number for buyers will not be something you think three times before you spend it. most people can afford it. Of salesmen, [us] they provide service based on repeated … and make money.

What is a lot of money?

A lot of our sellers who take seriously their work making thousands of dollars a month.

If you want to make a 5 dollar, what are the most successful listings?

Services for small businesses.For example, offers design a logo for a business, doing social marketing, promotions, a video production business, writing a press release.Also, a lot of work related to SEO.

Sounds a long time.I'm not sure I was doing work related to SEO for five dollars.

Fiverr good experts know how to do [service], can do it on the quick launch around.

How people connect in Fiverr?

If the user sees he wants to order the service, he pays $ 5 in advance then the seller (or provide) receives a message of this order, they can through our system to communicate. they are exchanging information, files, they can remain anonymous.. after the service provider provides the service, the buyer confirms it, then the seller gets paid.

How you can control the Junk double-dealing service registrations?

The site is very heavily moderated. we have a number of authors and the content, test it.

You tell children to use this site?

We see a lot of children who, with help from their parents, provide a simple way to earn their allowance. they have made a good many of you are offering to do reviews or sections of video for your business ... we have two brothers and his father have a professional video equipment and help them to create short videos of marketing. they do great.

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Photo: courtesy of LateNightTaskForce on Flickr photostream

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Yay for birth a child!

Put long work! if the 5-years of allowance, is also going on at Jolly Fiverr and SEO.

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Thank You & Best Wishes from eHsien
with Recommendation

Wind generators to: advantages and disadvantages

Almost everything that modern depends on electricity. Each gadget known must be refilled with power in order to be used and appreciated. Dishwasher for laptops that we have one thing in common. They need electricity to function. For decades, we use the electric generators which are led by fossil fuels like oil and coal. Fossil fuel sources are not unlimited supplies and with so request, the current rate of mines or treatment could not cope with what is required. Apart from the limited supply of fossil fuel energy sources can cause damage to the environment as well as individuals. Alternative sources of electricity generation are wind powered generators. They are the technology most promising that can replace conventional generators used in power stations.

A wind powered generator uses the wind as the mechanical strength to power an electric generator. Use of the wind is not something new. The ancient Persians were known to use the wind to pump water, cutting or grinding food to windmills.We are also seeing windmills powerup land in Europe particulier.Maintenant water supply, the windmills are placed in another good use.

We assess the wind powered generator. First of all, to consider is the fact that they emit no harmful gas or chemicals unlike fossil fuel based generators. We read and listen to ecologists mention of greenhouse gases and global warming.The cause of such situations is emissions from power plants electriques.Ce that we need now is a source of electricity which is clean and safe. We consider the environment if we want to make the Earth a better place to live.

Another advantage of windmills is that many small turbines can be connected together. This saves space, but by implementing process also.There is no need to build huge structures like most power plants.

One drawback of wind-powered generator is the flow of wind can vary from one place to another or from time to time.There is no way to be certain that winds will be strong enough to puissance.Cela generators limit the location of the wind mills areas near the sea, or when the wind is stronger as the top of the Hill.

More the Windmill, power over it can produce for maximum power generation area should be large enough to meet the needs of the largest usines.Il is a luxury that some places do not have.The size is directly proportional to the power it can collect.

Much research is now conducted on wind powered generators and innovations are deployed to make usable power .the ' intention is to build windmills in areas where it is going to be more effective as cities cotieres.Il is powered by a very promising future in terms of sustainable wind generators and renewed energy.

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Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charles_Deckard

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Christmas-shopping cart: items 7 equals waiting for

Plan to treat yourself this holiday season? Fifty-seven percent of shoppers can make purchases that do not present themselves in this year, up 8 percent from 2009, according to the National Retail Federation. The average personal expense: $107.50.

Want my advice??Wait until after the holidays to gift to yourself.With so many of us returning gifts after holidays retailers looking to unload excess inventory from 2010, the best deals are often after Christmas, into the new year., below the top 7 items — not some predictable, some-that you want to place in the list of post-holiday shopping.

1. Champagne, wine, Fine
Bottles of bubbly, and usually for sale around the holidays and prices get slashed the weeks following. this year, expect cuts price even mkodmta, says Kevin Lee Freeman, editor-in-chief of Mag. ShopSmart "recession already difficult creator high quality wine. France wines that go $ 50 you can get for 20 dollars. "

?2. baking ingredients
On holidays, supermarkets and shops discount load on baking supplies to meet the needs of shoppers. ?It is created when simply do not face out gingerbread man — in these stores slash their prices out of necessity."This is a long footage of chocolates, spices, flour, sugar, elements," says Freeman. Chocolate colors might be green and red, but it tastes the same!

3. electronics
The international consumer electronics show annual runs in the first week of January. That's when companies rolling out their new models of computers, cameras, cell phones, printers, … you name it. whereas early adapters to salivate over the latest technical gadgets to newest and newest, in January is a long time for everyone to buy latest models-that is, without a doubt, discount heavily to make room for new. "If you do not take advantage of deals, Christmas, don't worry.After Christmas, everything is for sale! "Says Freeman.Last year, Walmart and buy gift card offered 50 dollars when they have purchased Microsoft Xbox 360 up to 1 January.

4. winter clothing & accessories
Is there a shortage of discounts to department stores, retailers of clothing, especially on the hats, scarves, boots, winter jackets, wool socks. Invest wisely by selecting for staples that trendy that will last you winter, or three.

5. refurbished Ltd
Expect a "refurbished" shopping carts-where the returned devices and gadgets get 10-20% discount-be equipped after the holidays, as people return unwanted gifts. note of caution: just buy a refurbished items are the responsibility of providers that offer chraoia. Sony, Dell, Amazon, Apple and the kitchen are refurbishing business.

6. Christmas cards, wrapping paper, decorations
This clearly. expects discounts 50-90%.Tip on the paper wrapping-go for a solid color, rather than a sheet with Christmas trees or hsbibonim.Gold, green, blue or red wrapping paper, while the seasonal, you can also use throughout the year.

7. calendars
You can wait a few more days to get organized?It is almost a given that borders and Barnes-Nobel have their calendars for 12 months on January weeks sale first. I spotted their buy one-get-one-free "or" boards each year $ 1 〃 covers over the years, appearing right around new year's Eve.

In addition to Moneywatch

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I have 4 children, whose all birthdays fall December!!(Yes, bad planning:)) I'm always on the look out for ways to save, especially in January, and your article for a great tip. here are some tips on how to work for me.
Every year, our family has a big Christmas get-together. previously, we have always held that week before Christmas (not moveable, because often you brothers play to be in-laws). this last year, we decided to do it in the first week of the year, and it's amazing how much we saved between 5 families on everything from design gifts.
Another idea in January sale shopping, with prices, is the stock up on gifts for the year ahead is easy when you are suddenly faced with the birthday you forget something out of the box, the whip, the idea of a regular gift wrapping, compliments this tip well.
Other large savings tip (which has not yet been tried yet as I found it today only other) is if you are with their selector, booth Net10 15 $, planning 200 minutes only January. apparently can be done in as short a period of time only one month 1, the cost of not very typically use more minutes/month, but if your budget is tight, that he makes perfect sense to cut back until things look better and 15 $ is not really that difficult to squeeze through, knowing that the next month I go back to my usual $ expense without restriction.
Thank you for the great tips and non-happy holiday shopping!

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Free online courses from top

The current economic climate, many of us think of going back to school or get an advanced degree with hopes of becoming employable. ?But it is not always necessary to return to school full-time or even partially-and tens of thousands of dollars to earn a degree. Sometimes all you need is some courses or a few weeks of instruction to improve your resume. To that end, there are many ways to your free ??????? skills through online courses offered by some of the top schools and institutions in the country. True-free of charge. Rounded up some of the best courses and programs, smart ways to invest yourself, learn something new to improve your bottom line.Liberal Arts & Humanities if you want to brush on evolutionary biology, macroeconomics and international relations top universities ranked private, Harvard, Yale Carnegie Mellon, CORNELL offer lectures online for free-or, in some cases, full classes.Application development all lectures from winter course of Stanford University 2010 how develop applications an iPhone are available online for free. ?Stanford posts several other courses and lectures staff free iTunes.Engineering mandsa chemical, electrical, mechanical biological science, nuclear, MIT graduate courses, undergraduate posts on the Internet for free. You can also download lectures UC Berkeley in undergrad mechanical engineering.Writing I novel that you're dying to write? University of Utah has a free course on creative writing, MIT will teach you the basics of fiction. Journalists notebooks also take advantage of new University of Poynter's free e-learning program that covers writing, editing, reporting, ethics.MoneyWatch: for more source photo: Ed Yourdon on Flickr photostream

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What's next? Imagine the hottest products in the industries of health, wellness, anti-aging and weight management. Products for brain function and mental acuity, appetite suppression, weight loss, bones and joints, relaxation and better sleep, cardiovascular health, better skin hair and nails, an immune system stronger, athletic performance, moments of intimacy strengthened and more - The best that nature and science have to offer - all delivered in a trend, although brand, convenient, delicious drink 8.4 oz Let your imagination run wild. Each new product launch opens a new world of possibilities.

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Your diet can survive the holidays?

Are you concerned about your diet while on vacation? About 15 years, I heard a personal trainer tell their clients to stop looking at the number on bodybuilding. Your muscles have no idea what that means. They know that they are under stress and put to work.

I was thinking about the upcoming holiday season and how this same thinking could be relevant for food and apparent eruption of overeating occurs at this time of year. If my muscles are the number printed on the weight, then my stomach concerned special days on the calendar. No matter what day or special holidays, it is, your body will always handle and use only food they need. Your body does not have an internal meeting of organs, cells, etc. by saying: "the holidays are for us and as you know, we're going to take a large number of additional calories." It is important that everyone be extra hard these next few weeks."It is simply not happening and we all know that when seize us this cookie struck extra holidays and Happy New Year Brownie.

This shouldn't come as any great revelation, but it is a good prospect to keep the front of your mind.Thanksgiving is essentially the ferocity manger.Des holiday season kickoff shares Thanksgiving to Christmas and new year's Eve, you can also count countless festive meals and special treats at the Office. Tip is to manage this food mine field and not get stuck rebounds tray at Lac is stuffed.

An excellent resource for helping to navigate in situations where the temptations abound is your local nutritionist NYC.Il is important to use a few easy strategies so you gorges yourself.Some may find their local trainers and personal NYC have a nutritional counseling background, and can work with them on creating some smart to resist the tentation.Il tactics four simple things that anyone can use to prevent additional goodies which seduce us during the holidays.

(1) Remain caught in an opposite conversation salle.Obtenir table and you'll cut your "snack time" considerably.
(2) Scope for vegetables or fruits when they are available, but stay AWAY from accompanying dips.
(3) Feed your normal meals before you leave for the party, so you won't be faim.De this way you can look forward to the social aspect of the holiday season.
(4) If you know there are treats you well forward of simply cannot resist to predict a session with your personal trainer NYC before and have an excellent training themselves.

There is no reason to deprive you of the things that you voulez.Ce is important, it is to how sensee.Manger right must not interfere with your ability to have fun and enjoy time with your friends.

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Why solar is highly desired days

Today, everything is expensive and people are unable to meet their daily expenses. Lot of money is pushed in electric bills for heating and cooling system. The energy that we consume daily cost us high because its resources is expensive. Around the world, nuclear energy is used, which makes the life of the disparaging people and is fraught with complications.

People are finding more authentic and reliable that it is not expensive and less destructive solar energy.Only the cost of payment of the solar panel is high, but it is after effects deserve to live with that energy will be produced directly by Sun without the need to harvest .the ' solar helping people directly to save thousands of dollars in the form of electricity.

Nowadays, because of the vulnerability of economic situations, this energy has become very important. This is one of the cost-effective solutions for many people who cannot afford their spending. This energy is clean and hygienic use in fact, you can charge your batteries directly from Sun will save you the cost of new batteries.Most people are still unable to understand the real purpose of solar energy in his edition of the day and nuit.Mais industrialists make optimal energy production purposes use as it saves the enormous costs of energy bills. Corporations also to think they have all energy directly from the Sun by installing solar poles which automatically decline the use of energy suppliers supply.

There is no comparison to the Sun and energy related to other fossil fuels which makes the environment sales and unhealthy for people.People can use this energy to heat water, but also for other appliances such as fire and the radio.Cela will reduce electricity bills and other expenses, making more rentable.Les motor industries are also pushed to have solar to engines the advantage of this energie.Cela will automatically reduce the consumption of motor fuel and create less pollution.

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Why we need solar energy in homes

All around the globe, especially people who consume energy are contagious and pollute the environment. They pay a huge bills because of their consumption electricity. Rather than to adopt new ways of resource produced by Sun known as solar energy, people are down for expensive methods. However, the production of solar energy is more reliable and free from all the hassle. It is also clean and purified and above all, it is not contaminated. A lot of people is not aware that these fossil fuels are also harmful to our health because they are diffusing through the air we breathe.

As people are more aware that energy resource, they buy solar panels to generate electricity directly from Sun stop on their massive electricity bills.This invention has made life easy for people who have been troubling with capacities into account positive part financiers.La solar energy is its friendly environment purity and that there is no fog of smoke in the air.

Basically, solar energy is a free resource that we make the Sun directly but which makes it expensive is its installation and maintenance .c ' is a valuable and golden opportunities for people who want to live a life free of electricity bills.This new advanced technology applies to equip our homes, because this saves pollution and helps us with our basic needs.

These solar panels are mainly placed on the roof of the houses, so that light from the Sun can interact directly with them to generate heat and electricity for the House and its appareils.Il is a natural means of energy storage because it is a green energy without any emission of carbone.Il is recommended to switch to solar energy to save electricity and electricity 24/7 without any interruption.Il is foreseeable that people will leave other energy resources and will be moved to solar panels in their homes.

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Worm Composting eBooklet Finished

We finished our eBooklet on worm composting. We are adding the final pictures, and polishing up the video. The booklet is $15 and comes with support group access and a $10 discount on the video (normally $35). See http://www.green-trust.org/ebooks/.

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Free Book Download: Much Ado About Almost Nothing

2007, Hans Camenzind

This is the story of the electron. 3,000 years ago the tiny particle caused nothing but fear and superstition whenever it appeared. Its perception by man changed slowly as a few heretics dared to investigate. Then man discovered the "Leyden Jar", a gadget which produced a vicious electrical shock, to the amusement of the experimenters and kings.

Discover a new side of Benjamin Franklin as an unlikely scientist in an unlikely place, who stunned the European establishment by discovering fundamental principles and thus opened the field to other people. People like Luigi Galvani (who drew the wrong conclusions), Alessandro Volta (who corrected him and ruined his life), Andre Ampere, an emotional mathematician, and Georg Ohm, who discovered the basic law of electricity but presented it so badly that he was ignored.

Read more at:


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Florida's Diesel Electric Hybrid Buses

A buddy of mine, Ron Morrison, grabbed a shot of this Diesel Electric Hybrid bus.
Farther away from the beach I saw this city bus. Hybrid diesel-electric. It was really quiet zooming away from a stoplight & was hitting 40 mph. I had to wait till both of us caught a stoplight for me to hop out of my car to take this picture.

More info can be found at http://www.scgov.net/PublicCommunications/MediaRelations/documents/HybridBusFactSheet8-06.pdf.

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Forex Rich Living: Forex Trading with a 4 year track record: "Generate a six figure income using two original strategies that unlock international currency stores in just 5 minutes a day trading. Check ..."

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Agrichar - Soil Productivity Magic Bullet?

The huge potential of agricultural soils to reduce greenhouse gases and increase production at the same time has been reinforced by new research findings at NSW Department of Primary Industries’ (DPI) Wollongbar Agricultural Institute.

Trials of agrichar - a product hailed as a saviour of Australia’s carbon-depleted soils and the environment - have doubled and, in one case, tripled crop growth when applied at the rate of 10 tonnes per hectare.

Agrichar is a black carbon byproduct of a process called pyrolysis, which involves heating green waste or other biomass without oxygen to generate renewable energy.



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Vermiposting (Worm Compost) Project Underway

A Coleman Cooler with a drain at the bottom, a bale of Coconut Coir, kitchen scraps, and a quart of fishing worms, and the project is under way. The indoor garden beds still need to be constructed, and the fluorescent grow lights installed, but we expect to have those done mid January. To participate in this project, please visit
http://www.green-trust.org/ebooks/. If you would like to order a kit, drop us a line at sspence@green-trust.org. All the worm bed materials will come packaged in the cooler, just add kitchen scraps. Worm Compost makes the best fertilizer and potting soil.

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Grace and Gratitude Renewed

Grace and Gratitude RenewedOliva Newton-John's Grace and Gratitude is inspired by her belief that music has the power to heal by calming our minds, lifting our spirits and connecting to our hearts. Named for Olivia's appreciation of the gift of life, Grace and Gratitude contains over 20 tracks intended for relaxation and healing. As an eighteen-year breast cancer "thriver," Olivia has learned the importance of physical and emotional health, and especially the power of music. Research has shown that music can lower stress hormones, slow down brain waves and actually boost the body's own healing process.

Co-written by the album's producer, Amy Sky, the lyrics acknowledge a variety of belief systems including, Tibetan chants, prayers from Judaism and Islam, and a poem from St. Francis of Assisi. Together, Olivia and Amy took the chakras of the body as the basis for each song on the CD. Each chakra is connected to a sacred truth that reflects your psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being.

"Music connects with the spirit and the heart and it was my realization of this that inspired me to create this CD," says Olivia Newton-John. "It is important to calm your mind and connect with your heart to find harmony and balance. Music always helped me in my healing and now it is my hope that it inspires healing in others."

Price: $12.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Composting Toilets, Homebuilt Generators, and more

We are working on a number of projects today. It's -25F outside, so it's a good day to stay indoors near the wood stoves. Even the generator wouldn't turn over, even with the recoil start. Brought it in next to the wood stove to thaw out. The worm beds are under construction, and we ordered a inexpensive bucket toilet with lid as one of the food sources for the worms. Many folks use sawdust or peat, but we use recycled Coconut fiber. For info on how it works, read about it at http://weblife.org/humanure/default.html

The other project is a rebuild of our propane converted B&S 10hp Generator. We smoked the coils on the alternator, and have decided to rebuild it as a DC battery Bank Charger. We bought a 108 amp GM alternator, and are belt driving it from the 10hp B&S propane powered engine. More pics to come on that project.

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Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Baby Diapers [Amazon Frustration-Free Packaging] (Pack of 4)

Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Diapers keep your baby dry and comfortable and contribute to a safer world for generations to come. That's because our diapers combine premium performance and comfort with the important health and environmental benefits of not contributing to dioxin pollution. Our diapers feature a unique blend of unbleached and totally chlorine and fragrance free materials, resealable tapes, stretchy leg gathers, premium absorbency and soft, cloth-like comfort. They are hypo-allergenic, dermatologist tested and, latex and TBT free.


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AccuSharp 001 Knife Sharpener

AccuSharp 001 Knife SharpenerThis knife shapener sharpens any double edge blade whether serrated or plain, thick or thin and it will do it faster than youd believe possible. AccuSharp sharpeners are the best, easiest and fastest sharpeners around. The difference is in the specially formulated, precision ground and mounted tungsten carbide blades.

Price: $13.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Composting Toilet and Recycling System, Ready to Go!

We have developed a complete composting Kitchen and Toilet system for anyone wanting to reduce their water requirements, eliminate sewage, and build soil quality for gardening. Consisting of a manual on worm composting, a collection device (toilet), cover & bedding material (coconut fiber), a worm bin and worms, This system sells for $100 + Shipping, and includes everything you need. See pictures of the components at


( http://tinyurl.com/2l9osf )

Build your own from the descriptions and parts list, or drop us a line at sspence@green-trust.org for a complete kit delivered to you.

Also recommended:

The Humanure Handbook - http://tinyurl.com/2to3wm

Worms Eat My Garbage (included in kit) - http://tinyurl.com/2p2ze6

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Watermotor - Simple Mechanical Drive

Most of the common machines used in workshops, industry, and farms are driven by motors of only .5 - 5 horsepower. The Watermotor will produce this amount of power at an extremely low cost and with a minimum of ecological disruption.

High energy efficiency means that the quantity of water necessary for operation and cost of installation is greatly reduced, while on the other hand the number of actual locations where waterpower on this scale is available increases exponentially. In effect, every small fast-flowing stream becomes an important local energy resource, perhaps in many cases the only practical one available. In the world's hilly and mountainous areas there are often few roads and even fewer electric power-lines. While frequently rich in small scale water-power resources, the people are poor.

The Watermotor is a practical means of utilizing one of the easiest to use and most efficient sources of natural energy.

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Lose weight healthy eating

75%... with coming new commissions! Earn 75% Commission selling a book loss and weight of single nutrition based on natural and healthy food. A lot of potential sales regarding juices.

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14 Tips on eating your way to wellness

It is not as strong as you think about eating healthy. Even if there is a ton of information out there about what to eat, but for me, if we can keep things simple, it is much easier on us. Heaven knows that we already have so many our our plates (pun intended!), that determine what eating during our busy day can become so difficult, we eventually prevent good things and cram into evil. These 14 quick tips will help you zone in better food choices.

1 Break your fast (breakfast) - increase the metabolism.acid-production, low-sugar/glucose fruits and green; fruit juice light, alkalizing foods only.

2 Pasture eating 5-6 small meals a day vs. 3 meals (part is the size of your fist, not what you get on your plate).

3 Avoid excessive alcohol, coffee, soda, milk products, SFA and processed foods.

4 Eating organic foods as much as possible and avoid genetically modified foods where possible, reduce pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics)

5 Focus on eating vegetables, fruits and meat maigres.Essayez a gluten-free and low index Glycemic diet as much as you can keep your intestines healthy and keep your blood sugar stable rates as follows.

6 Avoid eating dead foods that are processed, refined, frozen or canned food (try to reduce any human - made moving your lips).

7 Reduce red meat, especially too cooked meat (carcinogenic).

8 Avoid eating when you're stressed, depressed, sick, extremely tired and emotional or when you're not really hungry, because it inhibits the digestion and creates the fermentation.

9 Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated body.

10 Do not drink much liquid – not even water – with your meals and separating your meals any liquid at least ten minutes - doing to dilute your digestive enzymes supply and affect good digestion.

11 Successfully combine your food for maximum power and energy .Envisagez use metabolic typing ? approach.

12 Eat slowly and chew the food completely.

13 To avoid eating condensed food animal products, particularly immediately prior to the bed.

14 Take vitamins to supplement your diet for optimal function when necessary.

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All About Batteries

Off grid homes, RV's, and boats use a house bank, a bank of batteries used to store the energy from solar, wind, and backup generators for times of no sun or no wind. These are not car batteries, these are specially designed deep cycle batteries that can handle repeated deep discharge and charge cycles. Learn about the following and more from Living With 12vdc and Wiring For 12vdc, on the Ample Power CD at http://www.green-trust.org/products/ What happens inside a battery when it discharges and
charges?How much energy can be stored?How is storage capacity measured?How can capacity remaining be determined?When is the best time to recharge?What charging techniques yield optimum performance?How fast can a battery be charged?How should a battery be discharged?What kind of regular maintenance is required?What pitfalls must be avoided?

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Reduce cortisol and get a flat stomach

Many people were designed to reduce the fat around their middle section and around their abs but many are struggling to get there. A common misconception is that you must perform many abs bottlenecks to get a flat belly! Cord (abdominal) fat is a by-product of elevated levels of cortisol - a stress hormone released by the adrenal glands and people tend to store more fat on their abs if their levels of cortisol is too high.

Cortisol is a hormone "fight or flight" everybody has and levels should be at their top, in the morning and the last thing the lowest during the nuit.Si your level is too high, you may need to excessive abdominal fat!

Here are a few typical ways that the hormone is high:

-Day to day stress
-Systems of high GI - many sucre.Le body releases insulin to control your blood glucose, and cortisol to counter insulin.
-Too many coffee
-Irregular sleep or not enough sleep

So if you're stressed out, coffee, food frenzy assaulting night owl, you may be experiencing these symptoms!

Cortisol is also catabolic, which means that it breaks down muscle, ultimately lowering your metabolism .c ' is one reason why "stressed" people may find it difficult to lose weight.

But fear not, your levels can be reduced and the results can be noticed relatively quickly!

Here are some ways to reduce cortisol and get a flat stomach.

-Try to reduce stress in your life.
-Eat a smaller system IM
-Drink coffee first thing in the morning a prevent in the afternoon, and certainly late into the night
-Try to get 8 hours of sleep at night

Try following these tips and see if notice a difference in your umbilical grease.

View the original article here

Simple solutions 5 family eating

It can be overwhelming to decipher nutrition information is available when assembling healthy meals. When children are involved, it gets even more complicated. It is really difficult to getting them to try new things! As a mother of three children and grandmother 5 health coach, I learned a few simple things that can make the whole process easier.

(1) Take the small lunch a priority for everyone. Eat nutrient-dense breakfast means that you will start the day with energy, that you need for work or school. Then even if it means getting up 15 minutes earlier, are part of your routine morning breakfast.Need more incentive? people breakfast regularly are less likely to have problems of weight and health problems.

(2) Get bitten smoothies. Smoothies are a smart choice because they are fast, easy and portable.It is easy to hide things really good in what looks like a my grandson agitation.Favori 9 year-old includes frozen berries and acai mashed banana meal flax seeds of chia ground, cranberry juice powder protein and - all things - fresh spinach! Enhances the flavor a little cinnamon is good for blood pressure, cholesterol and may even help to regulate blood sugar levels.

(3) Make a weekly menu plan. Plan your meals ahead of time and then create your plan-based grocery list! This allows you to take the decision to eat right - well prior to when hunger strikes. (And you actually have the ingredients that you need in the House!) It is much less likely to wait until you're on the path of return to work and hunger.This is when you're looking through a fast food place and searching for something-all because you waited until then to think about diner.Veillez to obtain input from children on their menus. They are more likely to eat that you prepare. Make a project of the family and you will be happy!

(4) Make Sunday 'Food preparation' day.Try this: to spend 2 hours Sunday afternoon chopping the vegetables for the week, salads and roasting or ouvert.Si children are quite old, leaving a plant. Cook a pot of brown rice or quinoa to keep in the refrigerator to add some whole grain goodness to a meal. Saute chicken breasts several and cut into pieces occluded and freeze in small bags. Now you have the ingredients for a variety of fast and highly nutritious meals!

(5) Sit together and enjoy meals in the family.Do crazy as it seems, session always norme.Combien times you find yourself standing to eat as you read the e-mail of the day?Your digestive system must work harder, so sit down and feel better for it.You know the benefits of eating with the family - even if it is only a single person.Relax, breathe deeply and be grateful for the food that you scheduled ensemble.Vous you feel great knowing that you personally prepared to supply these parts that you want to live with for many years to come!

As a graduate of the Institute of integrative nutrition, Paula helps women occupied in transforming their lives by gradually changing their diet and lifestyle vie.Elle offer personalized 1: 1 coaching, small group coaching, more Group Webinars to untangle the confusion of information on the healthy alimentation.Ceux know Paula are very familiar with passion and style.En know more about http://www.simplynutrition.org/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paula_Antonini

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Invention of the Month - The Green Steam Engine

This one has been around a while, and has met the test of time. It's a reliable design, and we think it's awesome. See more at http://www.greensteamengine.com

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The destruction of the cycle of food due to pollution

Archaeological discoveries reveal that civilization and trade may have started and developed the banks close areas or water bodies. This can be attributed to the proximity of water allow travellers and traders to observe from a viewpoint of hostilities in the environment before they decided to land or dock. Water bodies has also provided productions of food and water to the early settlers. Although there is no doubt on the benefits of water supply, it has also resulted in the spread various forms of problems such as disease now and even in the past.

Of discernment and jets of various chemicals pollute our water resources use, marine life is at risk. Effects of water pollution are incredibly deep that there not only endangered environment but of human, animal and plant life as well.The extent that polluted water resources, is unimaginable that studies have shown that some rivers, used for supporting life in the past, are now considered dead and any form of marine life cannot support of pollution.Le problem is even worse that the drinking water supply is also threatened causing a major global concern.

Some officials from polluted water bodies that we now are farmers who, due to their desire for better performance, rely on chemicals, in their belief, hamper the bug, fungal and weed weeds irresponsible infestations and chemical products aveugle.Ces such as phosphorus, copper and mercury, in both cases, seep into groundwater or running down to the Lakes, streams and among other pollutant marine life such as fish plants and water. Make worse, like water on forests, people and animals for food or drink on these sources of water is at risk of contracting deadly diseases.

Industrial or construction are also involved in polluting not only air, but also the water system.Dust of cement or debris accumulated in the form of heavy on the bottom of lakes and banks causing little sediment deep rivers while lubricants, plastics and other accumulated waste destroy aquatic habitats for wildlife, such as coral for fish, algae and other marine species and moving their natural sanctuaries.

Because of these pollutants in the environment, the food chain is disrupted badly water toxins enter the animals and plants are transmitted to humans in the consumption of meat or vegetable plants.It is not far, unless we measures now, food and water resources will become a thing of the passe.Bien Environmental Protection Agency has regulated the use of harmful chemicals such as sanitation, the future act or of our natural resources still lie in our hands and in implementing various laws covering restrictions on certain chemicals lie in our responsibility.

So far, non-governmental organizations are actively involved in environmental projects and even carry out their own reader to save Earth doom.Les products such as fans, baskets, bags, documents, carpets, and others made from recycled materials abound on marche.Comme being a responsible person, you can start your own way by collecting scattered or begin by planting a tree with your friends once a month at a nearby clearing candy wrappers.

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Solar Homes & Solar Collectors

Solar energy is our birthright like the air we breathe or the water we drink. Solar Home Plans and affordable Solar Hot Water Plans are the gateway into a "Solar Age" of energy independence. Fossil fuels are no longer necessary to keep the wheels of civilization turning. Build your own solar heating system with an MTD Solar Collector Kit. Explore the Strawberry Fields Book Store for more information. Alternative energies like solar energy will increase in value as fossil fuel prices escalate. Solar collectors, solar hot water systems, heat storage vaults, photovoltaic electricity, solar panels, solar greenhouses and solar house plans will become more important in this century. According to Buckminster Fuller "We have wondered too far from the roots." An energy crisis can only be avoided only if we learn to rely on a diffuse, sustainable resource like the sun. .


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Warm up your holidays with solar lighting products

Any how climate live when the holiday season around you must find a way to set the mood. You want your House to be perceived as a warm and welcoming place. Establish you with a range of solar lighting products will help you to create this ideal festive step break the Bank or harming the environment. Solar lamps will give you the flexibility, versatility, and affordability you need to close any what opportunity.

Inside your home, sunlamps focus come in a variety of colours, which allows you to quickly and easily are on vacation while working with a single set of lights. This versatility is perfect if you need to decorate for several festivals in a short period of time, or if you need to ramp up or softening your decor dependent just visit tone quickly.Solar lighting can run for hours on a single charge, allowing you to set and forget before your big events divertissants.Imaginez need not check the bulbs on the strings of lights or constantly monitor the candles for your next night - it is possible to simply enjoy your guests when you sunlamps!

In addition, it is difficult of solar lighting products top for when it comes to flexibility, actually.Since they did not need that you have your home electrical system or bury cables in your garden and the garden, you can put them anywhere you need a solar lights and post supplementaire.eclairage glow solar gardens can be placed in a row or a pattern you like, allowing you to make holiday in your front yard without electric wire enough black in the neighbourhood of the string. As they activate automatically when the sun sets, you haven't even to be home to light for the season.

More important still, propelled Sun lighting allows you to wrap around your home for the holidays without eating all your vacation money.Solar lamps are very affordable and they save vacation that so many people suffer from this outbreak of season electricity bill.You can use your solars focus ' year after year and even when he is not a holiday, so the fire quickly pay for themselves while you always offering with light you want.

Regardless of where in the world you live, sunlamps may make your holidays easier and more festive.Vous will be in full control of your lighting ambience vacances.Avec an environment filled with the glow of solar lighting products, it will be a very happy holiday indeed set!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M._Brauer

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Multi Fuel Burner - Heat / Cook with Veggie Oil

We have a bunch of used but good condition 45k btu heaters (Military Surplus M1941) coming in that will burn a multitude of liquid fuels, like kerosene, diesel, used fryer oil, etc. This is a DIY Tinker type item, not a ready to run appliance. Can be installed in an existing wood stove or drum (We have the original wood/coal stove for these oil kit inserts available for $115). These sell for $50 delivered in the USA (lower 48), and we are working out a quantity drop ship to the UK for local delivery. For USA customers, send steve@green-trust.org an email, for EU customers, send a email to andy@homebrewpower.co.uk

We have a digitized manual available at http://www.green-trust.org/Alaskan%20Oil%20Heater/ and a discussion group for this device at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/m1941/

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The foyer movement

There was one day from the combustion of wood in wood burning fireplace was the only option. It is in the oven, heating base and central air. This is having a home was a necessity.

But there were so many different things at the time. They have not been treated wood combustion.He was not a houses billion worldwide at the time rowth was cleaner, because we had time to destroy everything again.

But fire wood slowly becomes a thing of course passe.Bien, it is always pleasant open places as in the country in your firm or your own ranch. But in urban and suburban areas where life is tight is not conducive for firewood for fireplace.

But we have to refuse completely the whole idea of having a home in the maison.Il are alternatives. Some of these alternatives throw as much heat and study every bit as good as firewood for fireplace.

Electric fireplaces

This is ventless fireplaces are made in all kinds of shapes and sizes. You can have contemporary looking homes made of brass or silver .Certains fittings are glass or stainless steel.They are portable to any room and they turn off instantly.

You can also have traditional looking homes made of mahogany wood or walnut fonce.Vous can have marble fine Pierre who resembles almost all decors.ainsi, electric fireplace has a few advantages over traditional wood fire fireplace.

You do not have to wait for the fire exit or try to extinguish it with water.You can simply shut down the chimney when leave you the House or go to the lit.Mais, you can leave all the evening source too as a supplementary heating. You have to worry about breaks setting your house fire embers, while you are asleep.

Flame fireplaces

What are in fact commonly called ventless fireplaces. But I wanted to make a distinction because electric homes are also ventless.The reason why they are more commonly known as ventless is because there is a real flame in the stack.But you do not have a chimney or any other type of ventilation to the outside.

The flame is fire in the fireplace is a gel fuel which burns it water vapour does cause damage at home or the environment.It increases very hot, even if the FTC allow companies to actually call a heating source.These come in drawings of same as electric fireplaces.

Build your own

Another great thing about ventless fireplace is that you do not have to deal with a design that has designed a designer.You can create your own with fireplace inserts and the gel fuel.Build a home with Box.Construire a surround and then implement your insertion of fireplace inside .prendre stack from the ceiling, if you want to finish with a look in stone or brick faux.Vous can have a fireplace in any room and he come anywhere near the cost of a real wood fire chimney.

With the environment is and the more restrictions on home building and home remodeling permits, you may see it one day where to build a traditional wood fire fireplace could take a special permit or leave all les.Mais, you do not want to miss out on the experience of the cheminee.Il are alternatives, and you should start to scrutinize the.

Jessica Brylan was the pupil of construction throughout his life, from his father who took retired 2004.Sa passion turned to inland and strangely advanced architecture to become shelter expert.Elle wrote such reports major DIY Home Outdoor fireplace and home bricolage.Lire ideas report details gel fuel fireplace at Ventless.Vous keep jour.Il is always new and innovative information for home improvement, Interior home, lawn and garden.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Brylan

Jessica Brylan - EzineArticles Expert Author

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Low current LED Lighting

We recently got a line on these 110vac LED light strips. Containing 198 LED's, 5mm in size, the strip consumes 11 watts and outputs almost 700 lumens. They sell for $25 delivered in the lower 48 states. Get them at http://www.green-trust.org/products/.

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Course building ecological Webinar

It is a 12 session - all taught with webinars - on how to build a green home to photos - videos - powerpoint and screen drawing to illustrate "how to" green will be

Check it out!


Greening your family.

Guide reference for food security, personal care and cleaning products. Full documented and practical advice including product/brand recommendations to reduce your exposure to families of harmful chemicals found in many common household products.

Check it out!

Anguilla Solar

We just got back from our trip to Anguilla. We helped Francoise set up her new solar power system. Two Kyocera 130 watt PV panels, a Xantrex C35 charge controller, a Trimetric Battery Meter, a Morningstar Microsine 300 sine wave inverter, and a 70 ah AGM battery, power up 3 Compact Fluorescent Lights, A LG WP-680N Washing Machine (260 Watts) and a Shurflo 12v pump. Two weeks of testing, and we were never able to pull the battery below 12.4 volts. The system consistently output 1.5 kWh's daily. More pics at http://www.green-trust.org/Anguilla%20Solar/.

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Go green & it yourself with my machine mean green water

Do not throw away silver to do the dishes, laundry or take a shower every day. Create all the hot water you need without electricity, gas or oil! Take advantage of my system mean DIY hot green machine took several years to perfect.

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DIY Generator Project

Our generator project is progressing. We have a 10hp B&S OHV engine, a GM 108 amp alternator, and are awaiting a bracket and pulley to be delivered. We are constructing a 3 stage charger to maintain our deep cycle battery bank, with appropriate instrumentation.

More info at http://www.green-trust.org/ebooks/.

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Green energy Edens

Our product you will help save energy and create your own. All techniques proven with easy to follow guides.

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Happy worms!

We just added 1000 worms to a new worm bin. One hour after spreading them on top of the litter, they disappeared into the bedding to munch away happily on our kitchen scraps. We are thrilled that we are able to keep up our composting indoors, even when it's below 0 (F) outdoors. There is no smell other than an earthy dirt smell right near the bins. We cover all submissions with coconut fiber as we add it. No ants, flies, or smells. This picture was taken as we were adding some old stale tortilla shells and a fresh batch of worms. We can send you 1 lb. of worms, 1 bale of coconut fiber, and a manual on worm composting for $99, delivered. You supply a $8 plastic tote (12 - 15 gallon) and you are in the indoor worm composting business. Just drop us a line at sspence@green-trust.org.

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Green energy land: generate extraordinary panels solar yourself!

"Build your own solar panels has never been easier and more financially sustainable!" This information is for anyone who wants to Cut their dependence on electricity and use alternative methods for power! ?

Check it out!

Go Green - Green Save - 125 secrets - how to save money by green

Make a difference and help the less expensive environment possible. Learn how "125 secrets - How To Save Money By Going Green!" puts money in your pocket and helps protect the environment too.

Check it out!


Installing Solar at Woodhenge.org

Jim Juczak's power system was damaged by their recent house fire. A group of us went to help them rebuild various aspects from sheetrock to applying primer. My son Matt and I tackled upgrading and repairing the power system. Jim had built wooden frames for the 12 new solar panels. These panels are a bit different than the usual ones we run across. Each panel is a 45 watt, 98 volt open circuit amorphous panel. Matt and I built combiner boxes and wiring whips so that each frame will hold 4 panels wired in parallel, and a master combiner box that parallels the 3 frames, feeding the Outback MX-60 in the house. The house contains a 24 volt Trojan L16 battery pack.

Each frame has a small combiner box connecting the 4 panels with 12 gauge cable to a 10 gauge uplink to the master combiner box. The master combiner uplinks to the house with 6 gauge. See pics at http://ph.groups.yahoo.com/group/12VDC_Power/photos/browse/5156?c=

They bought a 40' shipping container to put belongings in while the house is being finished, so we put a temporary pv system on that as well for internal lighting.

We go back next weekend to fix the wind turbine and install some ground lines for the panels.

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Heart Breaking Story on eWaste

June is the wet season in Ghana, but here in Accra, the capital, the morning rain has ceased. As the sun heats the humid air, pillars of black smoke begin to rise above the vast Agbogbloshie Market. I follow one plume toward its source, past lettuce and plantain vendors, past stalls of used tires, and through a clanging scrap market where hunched men bash on old alternators and engine blocks. Soon the muddy track is flanked by piles of old TVs, gutted computer cases, and smashed monitors heaped ten feet (three meters) high. Beyond lies a field of fine ash speckled with glints of amber and green—the sharp broken bits of circuit boards. I can see now that the smoke issues not from one fire, but from many small blazes. Dozens of indistinct figures move among the acrid haze, some stirring flames with sticks, others carrying armfuls of brightly colored computer wire. Most are children.

Read the whole article at http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/2008-01/high-tech-trash/carroll-text.html.

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Solar Install in Anguilla

We are off on our trip to Anguilla to do a solar install. Be back in 2 weeks, and expect to have a tan. Will post pics when we return. The install consists of two 130 watt panels, 35 amp charge controller, 1 AGM 70ah battery, a 300 watt sine wave inverter, and a 12 volt shurflo cistern pump. See pics of last weeks solar install at Woodhenge.org

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Western Digital 1 TB Caviar Green SATA Intellipower 64 MB Cache Bulk/OEM Desktop Hard Drive WD10EARS

Western Digital 1 TB Caviar Green SATA Intellipower 64 MB Cache Bulk/OEM Desktop Hard Drive WD10EARSHDD 1TB 5400RPM SATA300 64MB

Price: $90.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Streamlight Nano Light Miniature Keychain LED Flashlight

Features and Benefits
  • Automatic noise protection - amplification automatically shuts off at 82dB attenuating impulse and continuous noise
  • Sound amplification - sound is amplified to deliver superior directional sound quality in stereo
  • Headband adjusts for a secure, non-slip fit
  • Single knob control for on /off and volume; power automatically shuts off after 4 hours of use
  • Equipped with an external audio input that allows you to connect to your own audio source
To capture low level sound, the Impact Sport employs built-in microphones that amplify range commands and other important sounds. Users enjoy full, clear directional hearing in stereo. For protection, the Impact Sport actively listens and automatically shuts off amplification whenever harmful sound levels are reached. The earmuffs effectively block any noise, continuous or impulse, of 82dB or more. External audio imput allows you to connect your IPOD or other audio source.  Black  leatherette headband with hunter green earcups. Snap-on lid for quick and easy battery replacement. Outstanding battery lifetime. Includes 2 AAA batteries. Compact Fold design for convenient storage.  Noise reduction rating: NRR 22 provides excellent attenuation in a sporting environment .


Click here to buy from Amazon

Kindle Lighted Leather Cover, Hot Pink (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle)

Amazon's Kindle Lighted Leather Cover

Our new design seamlessly incorporates a reading light into the cover, so you can carry your Kindle wherever you go and always have a reading light with you. Simply pull the light out to illuminate Kindle when you need it, and slide it away to be invisible when you don't. And since the light draws its power from Kindle, no batteries are needed.

The contoured, pebble-grain leather (available in 7 different colors) keeps your Kindle safe and secure, while the soft charcoal microfiber interior protects the screen from scratches. The cover is designed to fold back, so you can read comfortably with just one hand.

The built-in, retractable LED light pulls out to illuminate Kindle, and slides away when not in use.

Never Be Without a Light

Our all-new Kindle cover features an integrated, retractable LED reading light that lets you read comfortably anytime, anywhere. The high-quality LED light illuminates Kindle's paper-like display, adding brightness without adding glare.

A permanent part of the cover, the reading light is located in the top right-hand corner of the back cover. When needed, simply pull the light out and it automatically illuminates, eliminating the need for a separate power switch. To turn the light off, slide it back in to the corner of the cover.

Since the light is powered by Kindle's battery, no batteries are needed.

How It Works

In addition to securing Kindle in place, our new hinge system conducts electricity from Kindle's battery to the reading light - when Kindle is attached to the hinge, an electrical connection is formed that powers the light.

The cover's hinge points are gold-plated, to ensure a reliable electrical connection. Gold is used because of its ability to make good electrical contact even with low force, and for its corrosion resistance.

Secure Your Kindle in Four Easy Steps

Read Comfortably with One Hand

Reading with the cover on, you can easily access Kindle's navigation features and power switch, while the rounded edges offer a perfect fit in your hands. The cover is designed to fold back, so you can read comfortably with just one hand. And the retractable reading light is easily accessible with the cover open or folded back.

On the Go

This compact cover is perfect for taking Kindle wherever you go. The sleek leather ensures the ultimate fit and protection, without adding bulk or weight. Our patent-pending hinge system secures Kindle in place, and an elastic strap keeps the cover firmly closed for maximum screen protection. Simply attach Kindle to the hinge, apply the strap, and rest assured it will stay securely in place even when you're on the go.

You'll never be without a reading light, and since the light draws its power from Kindle, no batteries are needed.

Amazon’s official Kindle lighted cover features contoured, pebble-grain leather available in 7 different colors.

Read Kindle easily in the dark with Amazon's revolutionary, all-new lighted leather cover.

The hinge points are gold-plated to ensure a reliable electrical connection. No batteries required.

Read easily with one hand, with or without the light on.

Protect your Kindle on the go, and never be without a reading light


Click here to buy from Amazon

Sanyo Eneloop

Eneloop Power Pack Kit includes Compact Charger, 4 eneloop AA Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries,2 eneloop AAA,2C Spacers,2D Spacers and case-Charger is Worldwide Voltage -charges 2 AA in 4 Hours 2 AAA in 2 Hours.


Click here to buy from Amazon

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Green Life Great Happiness: Green life Kit

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Green Power Easy is the easiest guide to solar and wind energy on the planet. Convert your home into green energy and eliminate your electricity bill!

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Green Life Great Happiness: Green Life Great Happiness: Stay Healthy and...

Green Life Great Happiness: Green Life Great Happiness: Stay Healthy and...: "Green Life Great Happiness: Stay Healthy and Look Younger - Elite Weight Loss ...: 'Learn How to Lose Weight Fast Reveals all the Holl..."

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New letter sales conversion 1 sales by 39 visitors sent. With a 70% commission, you earn over $ 53 per sale! Keys To The Green is a new membership program that reveals the secrets of Internet Marketing, showing how you could be earning money today!

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The Green Paper health

The Green Book of health … start using natural healing today. Covering more than 60 discomfort and healing through the use of acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology, iridology, Home Remedies, homeopathic medicine, aromatherapy, essential oils, magnet Crystal

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It is the most recent and best Diy Energy Guide again, DIY-green - Energy .com! The best guide because it includes the best charts and large page sales. With the 75% commission, you will be a ton of money in this hot niche.

Check it out!

Science Channel Rerun of Wind Turbine build Tonight

The Science Channel is having a rerun night, with the first few episodes being reshown, including our wind turbine episode at 10:30pm. Don't miss the other episodes, as there are many cool green tech things happening. See new episodes every Monday night.


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Heating and Cooking, on the cheap!

Do you have a small cabin, camp, or just want to be a bit more self sufficient? Here's what we are playing with. The military used to use these tent heaters. They can heat a small space, and be used for cooking. What makes them particularly neat, is that they are multi fuel. They will burn wood or coal, plus they can burn liquid fuels from diesel and kerosene, to gasoline and alcohol. Here's the best news, THEY WILL BURN USED FRYER OIL. Yes, the waste vegetable oil that your Italian or Chinese restaurant throws away after frying your food, is a fuel source. We even use it in our diesel engines. Imagine producing your own electricity in a fryer fueled generator. We do this here at Green-Trust. Learn more about these stoves at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/m1941/.

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The Homebrew Power CD

After the huge Server Upgrades here at HomeBrewPower we have finally got around to recompiling our CD Rom that was previously available only in hard copy for $20.00 + P&P.

The Entire contents have been recompiled, tweaked and buffered and made available for download for what we think is a VERY fair price of $5.00.

To purchase the package just visit our homepage http://www.homebrewpower.co.uk/ and click on the purchase link. Your personal download link will be emailed to you soon as funds have landed. (Usually within 10 minutes!)

I know there were quite a few wanting the CD Rom in the past, well now I think you can finally have one.

Kind regards

Andy Mahoney

Home Brew Power

(Off-Grid Power Installer - UK)


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Green Life Great Happiness: Stay Healthy and Look Younger - Elite Weight Loss ...

Green Life Great Happiness: Stay Healthy and Look Younger - Elite Weight Loss ...: "Learn How to Lose Weight Fast Reveals all the Hollywood Secrets to Lose Fat Fast Without Spending Hours in the Gym ! Turbo-Charge Your Meta..."


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Stay Healthy and Look Younger - Elite Weight Loss Package reveal the Secrets

Learn How to Lose Weight Fast
Reveals all the Hollywood Secrets to Lose Fat Fast Without Spending Hours in the Gym !

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Even if you have struggled losing weight in the past...
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95% of people who lose weight put it back on within the first year and sometimes end up fatter than when they started. Learn how to train to keep the weight off and how you can stay toned even once your motivation to go every day to the gym goes.
• Learn the right way to lose body fat without slowing your metabolism:
When dieting you often hit a weight loss "plateau" at this point you will neither gain or lose weight. This is due to the body burning actual muscle in order to feed its need for energy. This results in a drastic slowing down of your metabolism! The elite weight loss program will teach you how to avoid this happening and teach you how to control your metabolism and use it to your big, best advantage as a calorie burning furnace!
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Weight loss drugs do work, but the results are temporary as your body adapts to them and the side effects are nasty. Learning to train without pills by getting your training and nutrition right without you ever feeling hungry will ensure you continue to burn fat and keep it off.
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